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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Manuscript has not been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part in any language
  • All authors listed have made a significant contribution to the manuscript with regards to its conception, writing and final approval
  • All authors have read and approved the submission of the manuscript
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Instructions for authors.
  • I hereby understand and acknowledge that all submitted files will automatically be subject to plagiarism check (iThenticate) and I fully understand that my manuscript might be rejected without any further consideration if it contains uncited word-by-word quotations from copyrighted publications.
  • ORCID policy: all authors are requested to provide their ORCID ID when submitting their manuscript. For more information about ORCID, please visit

Original article

Full-length research papers reporting original results of research. Examples: Study of screening and diagnostic tests,
clinical trial, meta-analysis, intervention study, cohort study, case-control study, cost-effectiveness analysis, observational study. Maximum 3500 words (main body of text, excluding abstract, references, tables and figures), 5 Tables and/or Figures, 40 references.

Structure of the main body of text:
• Manuscript title
• Structured abstract (250 words)
• Keywords
• Introduction
• Materials & Methods
• Results
• Discussion
• Conclusion
• References
• Figures/Tables (if any)

Short communication

Short communication is a focused report of original research or a unique first-time report of clinical cases series.
Maximum 1500 words (main body of text, excluding abstract, references, tables and figures) 3 Tables and /or Figures, 20 references.
Abstract: max 250 words, structured. Structure of the main body of text:

Structure of the main body of text:
• Manuscript title
• Structured abstract (250 words)
• Keywords
• Introduction
• Materials & Methods
• Results
• Discussion
• Conclusion
• References
• Figures/Tables (if any)

Review article

Review for clinicians on a topic related to medical imaging and a broad focus. The topic should be of general
interest to the imaging community. Maximum 5000 words (main body of text, excluding abstract, references,
tables and figures), 8 Tables and /or Figures, 80 References. Abstract: max 250 words, unstructured. Structure of
the main body of text:

Structure of the main body of text:
• Manuscript title
• Unstructured abstract (250 words)
• Keywords
• Format may vary
• References
• Images/Tables (if any)

Case report

Challenging cases with focus on medical imaging. Maximum 7 authors, 1000 words (main body of text, excluding
abstract, references, tables and figures), 2 Figures or Tables, 10 References.

Structure of the main body of text:
• Manuscript title
• Unstructured abstract (150 words)
• Keywords
• Introduction
• Case Report(s)
• Discussion
• Conclusion
• References (Max 10)

Image Kiosk

Novel and/or clinically relevant images of unusual or striking examples of clinical entities.
Maximum 3 authors, 150 words, 2 Figures, 5 References. No abstract.

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Brief letters (maximum of 1000 words, including references) will be considered for publication. Letters should not include figures and tables.

Pictorial Essay

Pictorial Essay is a unique type of educational/teaching review which exhibits a series of cases or images as visual educational material. The amount of text is smaller than that of a typical narrative review article and messages are mainly delivered by figures and their legends. It uses images/illustrations to provide current clinically relevant information of a specific topic. It does not contain data or statistical analysis. It should include sufficient non-copyrighted high quality images and diagrams to clearly and concisely demonstrate the topic.

Abstract: unstructured maximum of 140 words;
Main body: unstructured, however, use section headings, maximum of 2200 words;
Maximum number of Figure parts: 30
More illustrative than narrative review mainly for educational purposes

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