Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2023-09-04T19:53:21+02:00 Studia Slavica - System e-mail Open Journal Systems Köszöntő kötet a 80 éves Bańczerowski Janusz professzor tiszteletére. Szerkesztette Pátrovics Péter, Budapest: ELTE BTK Lengyel Filológiai Tanszék, 2021. 518 s. 2022-07-17T19:00:44+02:00 Luca Várnai-Cavaleiro <p><em>Köszöntő kötet a 80 éves Bań</em><em>czerowski Janusz professzor tiszteletére</em>. Szerkesztette Pátrovics Péter, Budapest: ELTE BTK Lengyel Filológiai Tanszék, 2021. 518 s.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Review of Krisztina Menyhárt's book Magyarországi bolgárok – néprajz, nyelv, gazdaságtörténet (Bulgarians in Hungary – ethnography, language, economic history) 2022-05-31T14:17:14+02:00 Anikó Cindel <p>The aim of this review is to introduce and recommend the work entitled Bulgarians in Hungary – Ethnography, Language and Economic History, published in 2021. The volume approaches the situation of Bulgarians in Hungary from three aspects, namely economic history, language and ethnography. The aim of the monograph is to present the different perspectives, especially the aspects with which Bulgarian, Hungarian and Bulgarian researchers in Hungary study the local Bulgarian community. It attempts to clarify some of the economic policy phenomena, describing local Bulgarian cultural expressions, from folk dances to linguistics, thus further emphasizing their role in preserving and shaping identity. The work provides a broader insight into the process of the Bulgarian gardening community’s transformation into a nationality, thanks to which we arrive at a picture of the real community. Reading the work, we can conclude that it reflects a comprehensive, interdisciplinary scientific research with respect to the cited authors, who can be said to be classical in the subject.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Gergely Benedek: The Ruthenian dialect of Komlóska. Publications of the Hungarian linguistic society, № 241. Published by the Hungarian linguistic society, Budapest, 2022. 171 pages. 2023-07-24T20:26:51+02:00 Vilmos (Вільмош) Gazdag (Газдаг) Bárány Erzsébet <p>In the past year, the Hungarian Linguistic Society has published an extensive work on the Ruthenian dialect of Komlóska, a manuscript of Gergely Benedek (1930–2021), for which the author conducted field research based on interviews and questionnaire surveys among the older generation (60-90 years old) for almost twenty years (1995–2014).</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Archivio russo-italiano XI (Русско-итальянский архив XI) 2022-12-02T20:46:31+01:00 Sarolta Krisztina Tóthpál <p>The volume recalls the attention to new developments in Russian and Italian literary, fine arts and cultural relations in the 19th and the 20th century through previously unpublished documents. The authors of the studies examine the works of some well-known and lesser-known Russian authors, critics and artists who were connected in some way, and for a longer or shorter period of time to Italy. Some writings, most of which are in Russian, discuss the bond between the two countries along several aspects. The volume can be a useful resource for both professionals and the general public; one of its great virtues is that the abstracts in English, German and Italian in the last chapter provide a comprehensive picture and summarize the individual studies. The chapters are connected to each other only in certain cases, for example on the basis of the relationship of the individual authors with Vyacheslav Ivanov. The index of names at the end of the publication makes easier the orientation in the volume.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae A Festschrift for prof. doc. PhDr. Hana Gladkova, CSc. 2022-10-13T08:28:18+02:00 Martin Henzelmann <p>In 2021, a Festschrift was published in honor of the Czech Slavist Professor Hana Gladkova. The purpose of this review is to present this volume. In addition, reference is made to the importance of Czech Bulgarian studies, in the development of which the honoree played a significant role.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae The Results of the Compilation of the Electronic Historical Dictionary of the Loan-Words in the Russian Language of the 11th–17th Centuries. Part One: Greek Loan-Words 2022-07-13T07:40:47+02:00 margarita chernysheva <p>The article presents the first part of the review, highlighting the results of the "Electronic Historical Dictionary of the Loan Words in the Russian Language of the 11th–17th Centuries: Greek and Polish Loan Words" compilation –&nbsp; the first electronic dictionary of borrowings in Russian historical lexicography with a volume of about eight thousand lexemes.</p> <p>Grecisms and Polonisms represent completely different layers of vocabulary due to their genetic, chronological and functional indicators. Each layer requires an independent description and the use of an individual research methodology. They are presented in two separate essays.</p> <p>The first part is devoted to the Grecisms (more than four thousand lexemes are described in the Electronic Dictionary). The structure of the electronic dictionary, its parameters (fields) are shown.</p> <p>The main tasks that were solved during the creation of the first part were the following: identification with the Greek language; expansion of the volume of the described vocabulary; identification of diverse phonetic and morphological variants; determination of the first fixations and hapax legomena; establishing, clarification and/or correction of semantics in well-known lexicographic descriptions; introduction of etymological information; detecting of the "Greek layer" in the untranslated Russian script and its word-formation development, etc. In the course of the study, the layer of the described vocabulary was expanded due to a broader understanding of "Grecisms". This allowed to show a complex picture of the Greek vocabulary development in all the variety of phonetic and morphological (including unadapted) forms that were found in the Russian writing of the 11th<strong><em>–</em></strong>17th centuries. A number of lexemes and lexical forms have been discovered and described, which have not yet been presented in Russian historical and Slavic lexicography. The features of adaptation and reflection of the medieval Greek language in the borrowed vocabulary are shown. The derivative words were included in the Electronic Dictionary. Two parameters of the Electronic Dictionary – "translated sources" and "original sources" – with an indication of a certain source and date of appearance – allowed to trace the moment of entry and further existence of the lexeme of Greek origin, as well as its survival and word–formation development in the original Russian writing of the 11th<strong><em>–</em></strong>17th centuries. This topic needs further research and deserves a separate description.</p> <p>The electronic dictionary makes it possible to carry out numerous research operations, which create a multi-sided view of the ways of penetration, survival and functioning of the vocabulary of Greek origin in the Russian language on a wide chronological field of seven centuries.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Competing agent-demotion constructions in Slavic: a corpus study 2023-07-10T19:10:47+02:00 Anastasia Podgornaia Vladimir Plungian <p>This article considers a range of agent-demotion constructions and their translational equivalents in the parallel corpus of M. A. Bulgakov’s novel “Master and Margarita” translated into Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, Serbian, and German. The agent in such constructions is not prominent: it can be expressed in a less privileged syntactic position, omitted or be less referential. Specialized means used to code this function in Slavic include passive (<em>Его очки были растоптаны</em>&nbsp;‘The eyeglasses were trampled’) and impersonal constructions, including impersonal uses of the 3rd-person forms (<em>Очки растоптали</em>&nbsp;‘They trampled the eyeglasses’) and the -<em>no/to</em>-form in Polish (<em>Rozdeptanо okulary</em>). We consider their distribution based on 909 contexts extracted from the corpus and describe varied minor agent-demotion means used to translate them (decausatives, lexical means that leave the agent unexpressed, infinitives, nominalisations and other), considering the aspectual characteristics of the clause, referential status of the demoted agent, and the discourse prominence of participants. The study revealed different groups of similarly marked contexts. Chains of clauses which describe actions of situationally defined groups (<em>Туда съездили, в квартире побывали</em> ‘They went there and visited the flat’) are coded primarily by a -<em>no/to</em>-construction in Polish, other languages use 3rd-person forms in such contexts, which is the most well-represented group in the corpus. The number of such constructions in the Russian original exceeds that of the translated texts, which can be due to the fact that the use of such forms is restricted in these languages and excludes contexts in which the demoted agent can be interpreted as indefinite (<em>В дверь постучали</em>&nbsp;‘Someone knocked on the door’), which triggers the choice of an indefinite pronoun, decausative form or a lexical means that leaves the agent unexpressed, or generic (in a sense of representing an action typical of people like <em>Я не знаю, как поступают в таких случаях</em> ‘I don’t know how one acts in such a situation’), in which case other Slavic languages covered in the study use so-called reflexive impersonal or lexemes meaning ‘a human being’. By using a translation into German, which has a specialized means for expressing resultative meaning, we were able to identify resultative contexts in the corpus and means that fulfill the agent-demotion function besides <em>man</em> used in linguistic research as a filter for extraction of contexts of impersonalisation due to its broad usage, such as the passive, <em>es</em> (with verbs of sound) and 3rd-person plural pronouns (in reference to a situationally defined group of people).</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Žilka, Tibor –Zelenková, Anna – Benyovszky, Krisztián: Stereotypes and Myths. Intertextuality in Central European Imagological Reflections. Berlin: Peter Lang, Verlag, 2022. 166 p. 2023-06-08T18:37:28+02:00 Marián Andričík <p>Recenzió</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Paradoxes of Remembering. About Some Crucial Issues in Piotr Macierzyński's Holocaust Poetry 2023-06-10T20:59:39+02:00 Ilka Papp-Zakor <p>Post-memory literature is a mostly narrative genre focusing on the trauma of Holocaust from the perspective of the 2nd, 3rd and even 4th generation after the war. It is usually based on historical documents (both written and visual – e.g. photos and drawings) and family histories. Therefore, it typically reflects on its relationship with literary and cultural tradition (or, more exactly: on how the experience of Holocaust is embedded in culture, how it is remembered, interpreted and used), but it also addresses and questions the politics of memory and the practices of remembering.</p> <p>Often it is a highly personal genre, in which the roles of the author and that of the narrator/subject of the poetry tend to overlap. Post-memory literature is also rich in essayistic traits, reflecting both on its tools and possibilities and on its raison d'être (or the lack thereof). Its authors, however, seem to believe, in agreement with Imre Kertész, that after Auschwitz it is impossible to not write about Auschwitz.</p> <p>The poems of the contemporary Polish author, Piotr Macierzyński, appear to have a double focus: on one hand, concrete historical events, on the other, the place of those events in literature. Such double foci can easily lead to several paradoxes, such as the impossibility of understanding juxtaposed with the categorical imperative of understanding, or the passage of historical (hence, linear) time as opposed to the persistence of (inherited) traumas. It also attempts to deal with the fact that, due to the dehumanizing logic of the concentration camps, their survivors “lost their innocence”, were forced to become if not accomplices of the perpetrators, then at least “bystanders”, who indirectly benefited from the death of their fellow inmates. The most vivid example of the latter were probably the members of the Sonderkommando, who were allowed to live only until there were enough transports to be gassed, but despite being victims themselves they felt guilty because of being part of the Nazi “killing mechanism”.</p> <p>Macierzyński’s poetry focuses on various cultural (religious and secular) topoi, which traditionally appear in Holocaust representations, and places them next to each other so that they create oppositions leading to paradoxes (for instance, Auschwitz is likened both to Egypt, the land of slavery, from where the Jews fled, and to the Garden of Eden, from where the Man was expelled, but to which he yearns to return). These paradoxes in their turn form logical and symbolic traps, illustrating the inescapable nature of historical traumas.</p> <p>In this analysis, I attempt to take a closer look at a few such juxtapositions working at different levels of the text, gaining different meanings, creating thus a rather involved image of what we deal with when we say „Holocaust”.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Color and floral symbolics in the poetry book of Rudolf Dilong Helena nosí ľaliu (1935) as part of the realization of the motif of life and death 2022-12-19T21:04:29+01:00 Olha Norba Norba <p>The study focuses on the analysis of the the poetry book <em>Helena nosí ľaliu</em> (1935), which should be understood as an important milestone in the poetics of Rudolf Dilong where a poetic-methodical turn towards more modern artistic endeavors occurs. At the same time the deep-motivic basis of his work was not modernized, but paradoxically it was religion that served as an energetic source of poetic modernization. A deeper insight into it can serve as a useful basis for understanding the entire poetry book, as religious motifs are anchored in the used symbols and guarantee their validity. The high level of symbolization can also be seen as an organic part of avantgarde poetics, the goal of which is to interrupt the causality of empirical reality by rejecting the dominance of rationality, emphasizing the role of sensory perception, thus opening the space for the realization of Dilong's desire for escape to a “happier” alternative reality.</p> <p>In the poetry book <em>Helena nosí ľaliu</em> (1935) Rudolf Dilong realized 8 floral (violet, lily, lily of the valley, poppy flower, narcissus, clover, aster and rose) and 8 colored symbols (white, green, red, or pink, gold, silver, blue, purple, black), which work together as functional idea carriers and offer a rich palette of interpretation possibilities. Color and floral symbols contributed to the realization of the main motifs of the poetry book, such as death and life. At the same time, the ideological fluctuation between these opposite poles correlates with the motivic basis of the poems, which lies in Christian postulates, because life in the human understanding is seen as a preparation for the “real” life that comes after death. This is followed by the paradoxes accompanying the life of the Franciscan poet – sources of inspiration in the form of women, faith, childhood and a lost homeland or a foreign country, which reveal the deficits of a “temporary life”.</p> <p>The dichotomy of the symbolic plane of the poetry book is manifested in the division of colors into those, showing rather positive connotations, corresponding to the pole of life (blue, silver, gold, green, red), and colors that evoke rather negative associations and correlate with the pole of death (purple, black). The white color has a neutralizing and harmonizing function of the two controversial poles. The similar formula can be also applied to flower symbols. Violets and lilies-of-the-valley stand as ideological bearers of positive meanings, and the poppy flower and the narcissus corresponds to the pole of extinction and death. Clover, aster and rose vary between two poles depending on their contextual realization. The lily flower becomes the central symbol, which appears as a dichotomous element, like the white color. It is the lily that embodies the quintessence of the author's efforts to realize the central motifs of the poetry book, not only because of its prominent wording in the title of the book, but also because of the meanings of pure being or eternal life after death tied to it.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Conceptualization of fate in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky 2022-10-18T10:16:13+02:00 Mikhail Khmelevskiy <p>The article deals with the features of the concept of "fate" in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky. The subject of the study is the contexts of the using of the keyword "fate" in the romans of F. M. Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov" and "The Idiot". The article uses the methods of conceptual and contextual analysis. The conceptual component of the concept "fate" in the works of Dostoevsky is presented as a sequence of events in a person's life and after his death in the form of a soul. The figurative component of the concept "fate" in the works of Dostoevsky is expressed by the idea of ​​fate as a living being that can actively perform any actions. The value component of the concept of "fate" in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky is mainly represented by a description of what a person can do with his own fate and the fate of other people, as well as the idea of ​​the justice of fate, associated with the idea of ​​the justice of God's judgment. Very great importance in the works of Dostoevsky is given to the idea of ​​introducing one person to the fate of another person. The most terrible punishment for a person is the indifference of others to his fate. At the same time, in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky, one can clearly trace the attitude towards fate as a predestination, or as something that can be fought or somehow influenced. Different characters show different patterns of behavior in this regard. Through the concept of "fate" F. M. Dostoevsky expresses the main ideas of his work - the achievement of spiritual harmony through the unity of people and the idea of ​​each person's personal responsibility for their own fate and the fate of other people, the idea of ​​the justice of God's judgment and the injustice of human judgment.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Metaphorization as Insanity? 2022-10-09T20:50:48+02:00 Angelika Molnar <p>The paper deals with the theme of madness in the short story of Vs. Garshin "A Red Flower" in a different perspective than in critical literature. The focus is not on the psychiatric problem, but on the process of creating a discourse of the mental disease. In the analysis of the text, some references are also given, for example, to "The Dream of a Ridiculous Man" by F. Dostoevsky or "Ward No. 6" by A. Chekhov. The intertextual roll calls with these stories are based on the idea of improving the world and on the process of its metaphorical renaming. However, it is emphasized that Garshin's story does not observe either the hero's criticism and rethinking of his idea to save the world by demolishing it, or the creation of a personal narrative about it. It is seen only as the metaphorical word conflicts the medical speech: the hero (patient) denotes the world of the hospital in his own way, the other way round as the narrator (doctor?). The duality of text construction (narration realistically explaining the speech and thoughts of the hero) can thus receive its resolution at the level of discourse. In this aspect the paper also explores the motivic and metaphorical plan of the text of the short story. This leads to results somehow different from the allegorical and symbolic analysis, for instance, in connection with the red flower, fire, sleep, moon. At the same time, the author of the paper draws attention to the phonogrammatic innovations: quasi-etymons, homonyms and consonances that create new meanings, see the verbs "to plant" and "to tear", as well as the words-names denoting or associated with plants: petals, greenhouse, etc. Under this, special point of view, it turns out that the image and the idea of the hero can be compared with the red flower, and, therefore, his story is interpreted as self-destruction for a new birth. The plot of the story can be interpreted as a literary rethinking of fairy tales (passing initiations and tests), meanwhile, the author of the paper focuses on the disclosure of the patient's special word in parallel with the opening of the bud. It is revealed that things play an important role in constructing the text discourse aimed at developing coherence – to get rid of the "madman’s shirt" in the plot, and to repel traditional, "bonding" forms in the poetic language. The metaphorization starts dominating the text and denouementing the narrative on "madman" in the discursive presentation of the story.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Linguistic and culturological continuum in modern South Slavia: Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin languages – pro et contra 2022-12-27T10:42:56+01:00 Mikhail Khmelevskiy <p>The article deals with actual issues of the language situation that has developed in the South Slavic space, with the involvement of cultural and phraseological material. In particular, the approach to determining the status of the Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin languages is substantiated on the basis of a set of criteria for distinguishing them as independent languages. The relevance of the stated problems is presented in the search for its objective, both linguistic and extralinguistic resolution. The issues of language and dialect are the subject of a rather sharp long-term discussion among the nations of Southern Slavia, which is due to both political factors and the growth of national self-consciousness, which reached its maximum degree in the 90s of the XX century. This review study provides a multilateral, maximally objective assessment of the current sociolinguistic situation in the Slavic Balkans, based on linguistic material and parallels in other countries, emphasizes its uniqueness in the framework of tolerance towards the peoples of the former Yugoslavia and their choice of their own language idiom to designate the languages ​​they use. used both in everyday communication and in the written tradition. The paper presents various points of view and criteria for the selection of an independent language applicable to the linguistic situation in the Slavic Balkans, which has developed as of the first two decades of the twentieth century. At the same time, the inferiority of the “pan-Serbian” approach, outdated from a scientific point of view, to solving the language issue among the southern Slavs and the term “Serbo-Croatian language”, as well as for the further development of Yugoslav studies, is substantiated.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Virtual Analogues of the Real World: Features of Verbalization in the Russian Language 2022-06-04T11:40:39+02:00 Elena Marinova <p>In the article the collection of composite nominations (over 600) denoting objects and phenomena of the Internet space, which are interpretated in the spirit of modern philosophy – as virtual analogues of the real world, is considered on the material of the Russian language. The purpose of the study is to reveal the general cognitive principle of creating of the Internet nominations, as well as some peculiarities of their structure and semantics determining overall the character of neological processes in the formation of the vocabulary of the digital era. Both attributive phrases of the different degrees of stability (such as <em>virtual’nyj muzej</em>) and analytic constructions (or composites, according to other terminology), for example <em>onlajn-golosovanie, internet-magazin, kibermir </em>etc., are involved for the research.</p> <p>As a result of the study, the <em>transfer</em> of names from the real world to the virtual world was determined as the main cognitive mechanism for creating composite Internet nominations; regular units involved in this process as attributive components (<em>internet-, virtual’nyj, elektronnyj, setevoj, onlajn-, veb-, kiber- </em>etc.) were identified. On the basis of thematic classification of Internet nominations and semantic analysis of attributes the author defines their paradigmatic connections; states the specific character of their semantic development, namely the formation of common meaning ‘realized, existing in the Net’. The research was carried out within the framework of Functional Sociolinguistics and is mostly a case study of usual units.</p> <p>Our results showed that the process of verbalization of virtual analogues of the real world be means of composite nominations is characterized by a thematic diversity of basic substantives (<em>bogocluzhenie, gazeta, znakomstvo, sdelka, urok, ekskursia </em>etc.), which indicates the wide involvement of various spheres of modern human activity in the virtual space. At the same time, it was found that the creation of Internet nominations in the Russian language or their borrowing from English demonstrate the actuality of certain subject areas in terms of the activity of nominating their objects, as well as the different volume of the nominations themselves related to these areas (the largest group of nominations relates to business sphere). The study of paradigmatic connections between units in the analyzed material proves the idea expressed by the author of the article earlier about the principle of plurality of names of the same object, which could be considered a tendence appearing, as a rule, during periods of activation of the neological process. Further monitoring of the development of the Russian language vocabulary of the digital era is planned to realize on the material of composite nominations based on personal nouns.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Expressive and rhetorical potential of attributive collocations in the panegyrics from the XVIII century 2022-05-29T14:53:00+02:00 Natalia Patroeva Olga Kazakovtseva <p>In the word order in the Russian literary language of the XVIII century, according to many researchers, there was not yet a strictly fixed norm, however the grammarians of the period between XVIII and XIX centuries made attempts in their teachings to explain the order of this or that part of speech. The teachings of M. V. Lomonosov, set forth in his rhetorical treatises, played a special role in the consolidation of the norms in the word order.</p> <p>This article describes the functioning of attributive word combinations in the panegyrics of F. Prokopovich, M. V. Lomonosov and A. P. Sumarokov in the middle of the XVIII century. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the word order in attributive collocations in panegyrics from the XVIII century and to describe the stylistic means that are used in the word arrangement of these attributive constructions.</p> <p>With the help of continuous sampling method 1837 attributive constructions were extracted. Attribute preposition predominates in two-word and three-word collocations. However we noticed that the number of prepositional attributive&nbsp; phrase in panegyrics differs: so, in the texts of F. Prokopovich the prepositional attribute is used in half of the cases, while in the texts of M. V. Lomonosov and A.&nbsp;P. Sumarokov the prepositional attribute increases, reaching up to 84%.</p> <p>In the panegyrics of M.&nbsp;V.&nbsp;Lomonosov, F.&nbsp;Prokopovich and A.&nbsp;P.&nbsp;Sumarokov attributes are widely used as homogeneous members, lexical and syntactic repetition is observed, which promotes amplification and alternation of prepositive and postpositive attribute; the panegyrics use distant attributive collocations, with a parallel arrangement of attributes emphasizes the opposition of the expressed attributes or objects.</p> <p>Attributive collocations, actively used as a stylistic means, occupy an important place in the panegyrics. Attributes are involved in creating a portrait of a historical figure (in this material − Peter the Great), to whom the panegyric is dedicated, as well as a vivid depiction of his deeds, military exploits. Rows of epithets, adjectival metaphors, comparison, gradation, chiasmus, inversion, other tropes and figures of speech are important material in the research plan, which demonstrates the correlation between those presented in treatises on the theory of eloquence and the rhetorical practice of the formation era of new standards of the Russian literary language in the post-Petrine period. Attributive constructions in the 18th-century panegyrics are a stylistic means of increasing the expressiveness of expression and creating a solemn pathos.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Phraseology in the discourse of linguistic personality (based on N. Teffi's short stories) 2023-06-10T13:53:11+02:00 Olga Nacharova <p><em>Olga Yurievna Nacharova </em>— bachelor of philology, Department of Russian Language, Lomonosov Moscow State University</p> <p>MSU, Faculty of Philology, Russia, 119991, Moscow, GSP-1, 1-51 Leninskie Gory, 1 Humanities Building</p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong>. This article is devoted to the study of phraseological units as parts of the system and discourse of literary character’s linguistic personality. N. Teffi’s short stories “Strong as Death”, “Easter Child”, and “Causes and Consequences” were chosen as the practical material marking the different stages of her writer’s career. The research’s purpose is the identification of Teffi’s main strategies with regard to the verbal production’s forms as well as providing a description of phraseological units’ functions depending on possible intentions and types of the speaking subject. The analysis is made in accordance with the way in which phraselolgisms were distributed through the composition and speech structures of chosen texts. Teffi uses the unique set of strategies in every story. For instance, texts with dominance of author’s monologue tend to dissolve the author into character’s conscious or to hide the author behind a mask. In that case idioms generally utilize the double set of strategies for both “surface” and “deep” sender.</p> <p>Moreover, the research revealed a correlation between feuilleton aesthetics of a particular story and usage of externalised metaphors on which idioms are based. Rejecting the publicistic style, Teffi turned to more elusive and subtle language game. So clarity of her techniques was replaced with playing on grammatical meanings at first. As the paper shows, this strategy is used in the story “Strong as Death” where the authorial intent is supported by aspect modification of an idiom <em>терять</em> <em>голову</em>.</p> <p>Also the article states that phraseology in discourse of narrator’s and character’s linguistic personality pursues different objectives. For example, idioms can actualise some precedent texts, introduce another type of discourse into the story &nbsp;in order to reveal the “deep sender’s” intentions, and arrange its concept sphere and architectonics. In this regard, it was proposed that idioms can function as symbols (in the sense of V. V. Vinogradov). Phraseological units take part in making up stylistic oppositions and can be served as a mean of both exposing the character and creating a comical effect. The paper aims to synthesise the results obtained during the analysis of text’s actual linguistic component and discourse practices in their correlations with composition and speech structures. The analysis is carried out taking into account the genre features (public lecture, first-person narrative, feuilleton), as well as the communicative tactics of narrator and character.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Compound nouns in the Ukrainian translated lexicography of the early twentieth century 2023-06-05T18:51:12+02:00 Liudmyla Tomilenko <p>The analysis of compound words (nouns) in the Ukrainian language of the beginning of the 20th century was carried out. The research is based on three popular Russian-Ukrainian translation dictionaries of the years 1918–1933: “Moscow-Ukrainian Dictionary” (1918) by Victor Dubrovskyi, “Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary” (1918) by Sergiy Ivanytskyi and Fedir Shumlyanskyi and the academic “Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary” (1924­–1933) edited by Agathangel Krymskyi and Sergiy&nbsp;Jefremov.</p> <p>A comprehensive study became possible due to uniquely created digital lexicographic systems and a noun database. They were created on the basis of the paper dictionaries listed above (digitized copies). All compound nouns were selected from the noun database, methods of their creation were studied, the main thematic groups were highlighted and described.</p> <p>Compound nominations, especially nouns, are quite common in the Ukrainian language of the beginning of the 20th century. Together, there are about six thousands of them in the three analyzed dictionaries.</p> <p>The majority of the recorded nouns was represented by the merged spelling words<strong>.</strong> These titles have been coined mainly by means of the word stems conjoining (the so-called composition). The minority of the discovered nouns was represented by hyphenated words. The origin of such nouns was mainly caused by compounding (the so-called juxtaposition). One of the dictionaries also recorded a small number of abbreviations.</p> <p>All compound nouns were combined into thematic groups. The most common thematic groups are: 1) names of people (which combines a number of subgroups); 2) names of plants; 3) names of animals; 4) names of devices, appliances, tools; 5) names of names of buildings, structures, institutions, premises, etc.; 6) and abstract concepts. The studied dictionaries recorded a significant amount of compound nouns of Ukrainian origin. Nevertheless, there were also observed the borrowed lexemes and names consisting of the foreign language components. Significant parts of the borrowed lexemes are international terms. Apart from the well-known names, lexicographic works of the beginning of the 20th century contain a significant amount of less-known, unknown, dialectal and regional vocabulary.</p> <p>Russian-Ukrainian translation dictionaries of the post-revolutionary period are extremely important, but not yet sufficiently studied works. Comparative analysis of vocabulary, semantics, grammar, etc. based on the material of these sources is a promising linguistic task.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Parameters of the intertextual space of Ukrainian literature of the 1920s: 2022-08-25T22:12:04+02:00 Liudmyla Skoryna <p>The article analyzes the problem of women's presence in the intertextual space of Ukrainian literature of the 1920s. As the object of the study we take the work of writers who participated in the literary life of Soviet Ukraine. The peculiarities of intertextual representation of the works of women writers in the male writer’s works are highlighted in the first part of the study. While in the second part, it is clarified how women writers appeal to the works of representatives of their gender.</p> <p>In the "male" segment of the intertextual space of the 1920s, various types of intertextems borrowed from the works of 218 writers were marked: here we have only 8 women to mention: Lesia Ukrainka, Marko Vovchok, Maria Zahirnia, Sappho, Harriet Beecher Stowe, George Sand, Mihri Hatun, Anna Akhmatova.</p> <p>It was found that male authors appeal to the works of women writers in the following situations: 1) when it comes to life spheres recognized as purely feminine, in particular, love (George Sand, Sappho, Mihri Hatun); 2) if the works of women writers have gained significant resonance and are associated in the reader's mind with an important social problem (Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe); 3) when the work of a female writer is included in the literary canon (Marko Vovchok, Lesia Ukrainka); 4) under the influence of literary fashion (Anna Akhmatova); 5) the choice of intertextems is also influenced by the writers' personal reading preferences (Maria Zahirnia). The most common types of intertextual interaction are allusions and reminiscences related to the literary reputation of a certain author, specifics of her creative work reception. Threre were also 2 epigraphs noted (from the works of Lesia Ukrainka and Mihri Hatun) and 2 examples of hyperintertextuality (artistic transformation of the works of Lesia Ukrainka and Sappho).</p> <p>The second part of research involved a concise explanation of the intertextual space in the works of women writers. The works of Maria Halych, Halyna Orlivna, Varvara Cherednychenko and Oleksandra Svekla from the anthology “My career. Women's prose of the 20s" were taken as the study object. This collection is also dominated by intertextems from the works of male writers. The only allusion related to "women's literature" was found in the story "Yevpatoriia" by Varvara Cherednychenko (when Lesia Ukrainka's stay in Crimea was mentioned).</p> <p>In my opinion, the "invisibility" of women in the intertext of Ukrainian literature of the 1920s, is due to the following factors: 1) the "lack of authority": the prejudiced attitude of men towards the works of representatives of the other gender, 2) the insignificant presence of women writers in the literary canon, 3) the spread of androcentric stereotypes in the female environment: so women writers more often appeal to the proto-texts of male writers.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae