Pollack Periodica 2024-02-10T13:08:51+01:00 Pollack Periodica - System e-mail Open Journal Systems COMPARISON OF IMAGE OPERATORS FOR TIME BASED PHOTOGRAMMETRY 2023-04-28T17:27:52+02:00 Andrej Hideghety Marek Fraštia <p>Real-time deformation measurements have the potential to be used in a wide range of civil and structural engineering applications. This paper introduces an algorithm that utilizes time-based photogrammetry to measure deformations in real-time. The hardware used in the algorithm consists of a camera and a computer that runs a camera-controlling software and a MATLAB code. The code is responsible for detecting the approximate locations of the circular targets using normalized 2D cross-correlation and performing the subpixel measurement of the center by fitting an ellipse on the edges of the circular target. Besides the description of the algorithm, this paper presents a comparison of image coordinates measurement by edge-ellipse operator, least-square matching, and digital image correlation methods.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica NATURAL VENTILATION IN HIGH-RISE OFFICE BUILDING - COMFORT AND ENERGY PERFORMANCE 2023-03-16T11:09:42+01:00 Basma Naili <p>The application of natural ventilation strategies in high-rise office buildings is considered one of the most promising trends to address high energy performance and enhance the indoor thermal comfort levels in interior office spaces. In this regard, this paper attempts to assess the potential of natural ventilation strategies of a specific, previously investigated, envelope design of a high-rise office building located in a temperate climate zone. Different summer natural ventilation strategies were tested and performed using the building energy simulation program IDA ICE 4.8, evaluating thermal comfort and energy demand. The findings indicated that considerable energy savings can be achieved, up to 40%, compared to conventional mechanical ventilation and air conditioning systems.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica The conservation and development of ancient villages. 2023-03-20T08:36:49+01:00 lei zhao Tie Wang Xiaoxia Wang János Gyergyák <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">传统村落是传统社会最重要的空间组织单元。</span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">在现代化的背景下,中国古村落面临着衰败的危机。</span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">他们的生存和发展面临诸多困境,古村落保护正在进行中,需要相应的理论来指导实践。</span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">人们逐渐认识到传统建筑本身的重要历史、艺术、科学价值和深厚的文化内涵,古村落保护的重要性日益凸显。</span></span></p> <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">本文结合古村落案例,研究阐述古村落保护的方法、策略和内容,指出古村落保护的关键要素和规划重点,为当前传统村落保护提供经验。</span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">古村落的发展需要发挥其独特的优势和个性。</span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">古村落自然资源和人文资源丰富,旅游开发潜力巨大。</span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">开展古村落保护、修缮、更新和功能置换,实现古村落保护与旅游开发协调发展。</span></span></p> <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">本研究的重点是梳理古村落保护与发展面临的困境,建立古村落保护与发展的协调机制。</span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">通过对中国历史文化村镇相关文献的研究发现,以往的研究多集中于历史文化村镇的特征价值、形成与演化,初步多学科参与。</span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">乡村旅游的发展对传统村落的振兴更新具有重要意义,但历史文化名村的资源普查识别和学科交叉需要进一步深入。</span></span></p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica IMPROVEMENT OF THE SUBGRADE SOIL FOR CONSTRUCTION HIGH RISE RAILWAY EMBANKMENT: A CASE STUDY 2023-03-14T09:02:25+01:00 Hussein Kareem Sultan <p>A railway on 4 m height embankment is being built in the south of Iraq. The railway alignment is extending on a compressible soil. The settlement is a real problem to the engineers. The subsoil investigation and geotechnical study of subsoil were performed to discover the nature of subsoil. The considered improvement methodology was using large diameter granular materials as crushed stone to be piles under the line of embankment. Finite element analyses (FEM) using PLAXIS 3D foundation software were conducted to evaluate settlement of soil under embankment before and after inserting the granular piles. Also, the applied load from the train on the embankment was simulated a line load on the embankment. The paper discusses the settlement and stability analysis of the railway embankment and ground improvement technique adopted using granular pile without and with geogrid layer.</p> <p>The results indicated that without any improvement, the expected total settlement of the railway embankment on the compressible clay layer is 170.2 mm. By inserting small diameter granular piles under the railway embankment, the obtained total settlement of the railway embankment on the compressible clay layer as decreased to 88.7 mm with reduction in range of ~ 48 %.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica improvement of the mechanical properties of polymer-modified concrete by using pc-superplasticizer 2023-03-16T10:37:52+01:00 Rasha Ali Kamil HUDA ATIEA ALI AL-EISA Layth AbdulRasool Alasadi QUSAY ALATIYA <p>This research aims to improve the mechanical characteristics of polymer-modified concrete(PMC) by using a unique admixture (PC-200) super-plasticizer, which highly improves the mechanical properties of PMC. The study shows that using rubber made with styrene butadiene latex (SBR) raises the mechanical characteristics' values by 10% by the weight of cement. More dosage exceeds 10% by weight of cement, causing a reduction in the importance of compressive, tensile, and flexural strength of&nbsp;&nbsp; PMC. The use of super-plasticizer with PMC mixes leads to increase values of mechanical properties. Using a super-plasticizer, the compressive strength has improved from 34.3 [Mpa] for ordinary PMC to 42.9 [Mpa] for a 10% polymer/cement ratio. Also, this type of super-plasticizer increased the Material's tensile and flexural strength. The study also includes sulfate water exposure. Using SBR polymer increases the resistance of sulfate attack. It shows less reduction in strength, and by using a super-plasticizer for modified mixes, the reduction in compressive strength was much less.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica ANALYSIS OF LOW FLOW FLUCTUATION IN THE HORNÁD RIVER, SLOVAKIA 2023-01-28T18:23:18+01:00 Patrik Nagy <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Cieľom tejto štúdie je identifikovať a stanoviť dlhodobé kolísanie nízkeho prietoku v rieke Hornád. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Hydrologické údaje piatich staníc boli získané zo Slovenského hydrometeorologického ústavu a použité na analýzu s cieľom ukázať trendy nízkeho prietoku a variability odtoku v období od roku 1973 do roku 2020. Na analýzu bol použitý štatistický programovací jazyk R a balík Statts. vypočítajte prietoky. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Aby bolo možné identifikovať zmeny nízkych prietokov rieky pozdĺž jej toku, boli údaje podrobené štatistickej analýze, ktorá zahŕňala stanovenie homogenity údajov. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Pre stanovenie nízkych hladín vody sa hraničná hodnota prietoku zodpovedajúca 70. </span><sup><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">a</span></sup><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> 90. </span></span><sup><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">tis</span></span></sup><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">percento z krivky trvania prietoku spolu s vyššími, stanovenými na základe denných hodnôt za celé viacročné obdobie. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Prietok s pravdepodobnosťou 70 % je limitná hodnota pre plytký nízky prietok, zatiaľ čo prietok s pravdepodobnosťou 90 % je limitná hodnota pre hlboký nízky prietok. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Pozorované vzory zmien nízkeho prietoku na príklade horskej rieky môžu byť referenčným bodom pre mnohé rôzne štúdie a modelové simulácie pre iné rieky na Slovensku.</span></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica ANALYZING THE CHANGES IN THE DRIVER'S EYE HEIGHT AND FINDING THE MINIMUM CREST RADIUSES USING CIVIL 3D 2023-03-21T11:00:55+01:00 Khalil Khaska <p>While people around the world are watching with admiration the accelerating development in the automotive industry and seeking to acquire modern cars, researchers are investigating what can be changed in the current road design guidelines to keep pace with this development. The driver's eye height from the ground, as what drivers can see on the road, is essential for their safety and for avoiding road hazards. Using the statistical analysis of vehicles sample, the statistical parameters of the measured set of values were determined. A one-sample t-test was done to check whether the measured sample differs from the driver's eye height value specified in the Hungarian design guidelines. A new range of driver’s eye height has been found, which is considered an update to the current value and might be applied in the upcoming road design. Parallel with the eye-height analysis, sight distances at vertical crest curves were modeled by AutoCAD Civil3D’s (visibility-check model). The minimum radiuses of the crest curves were defined for human eye height and for sensors of autonomous vehicles. The modeled values have been compared with the current specifications of the Hungarian guidelines for road design.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica LIFESPAN OF WOODEN HOUSES AND ANALYSIS OF THEIR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL INDICATORS 2023-03-16T11:23:34+01:00 Jana Budajová <p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-GB">This paper deals with an in-depth life cycle analysis of wooden houses in terms of environmental impact indicators and construction and operational costs. At the same time, indoor environmental quality (IEQ) of the houses is investigated. From the results achieved, it can be concluded that wooden house 3 shows the lowest emissions of CO<sub>2e</sub>/m<sup>2</sup>/year compared to other houses. However, from the overall investigation, using all indicators, it follows that wooden house 1 is the most advantageous. Related to built-in materials, concrete structures (22-26%) and mineral wool (8%) have the highest share of global warming potential. On the contrary wooden house 3 has the largest life cycle costs of 210,84 €. Results of IEQ show that the permissible limits of the monitored factors (air temperature, RH, air velocity, PM and VOC) are not exceeded during the measurement.</span></p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica APPLIED RESEARCH ON CULTURAL SYMBOLS IN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 2023-03-16T16:09:25+01:00 Chao Ren <p style="font-weight: 400;">With the development of society and economy, people pay more and more attention to thematic landscape architectural design featuring various cultures. Landscape architectural design is no longer only satisfied with the standardized, identical design style, but should focus on some specific cultural communication functions. In the thematic landscape architectural design, the use of cultural symbols can reflect the characteristics of the park.Traditional cultural symbols are an important source of thematic landscape architectural design concepts. Cultural Symbols elements can be embedded in both the design layout and the design effect. Through some research and practical design, the design method of using cultural symbols in landscape architectural design is summarized: from finding cultural elements to design language transformation.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica SPEECH SCRAMBLING BASED ON MULTIWAVELET TRANSFORM, ARNOLD TRANSFORM AND PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION 2023-05-01T18:17:45+02:00 zahraa Abdulmuhsen <p>Speech scrambling is the technique of distorting speech signals to prevent unauthorized listeners from understanding them. However, traditional techniques such as frequency inversion or time reversal have been found to be vulnerable to attacks. To address this issue, more robust and secure speech scrambling algorithms are needed to ensure the security of sensitive communication. A proposed scheme uses a particle swarm optimization algorithm to generate a random key and optimize the level of noise in the scrambled signal. It also employs two frequency transformation techniques to enhance complexity and security. The proposed algorithm has been evaluated using various performance measurements (peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), estimated time (ET) ,mean square error (MSE), Correlation Coefficient (Rc), Root mean square(RMS),Signal to noise Ratio(SNR),and Spectral Signal to noise ratio(SSNR) ) and has demonstrated better encryption performance compared to other similar audio encryption schemes. The key space of size 128!*2.718 is considered strong enough to resist brute-force attacks. Further research and development in the field of speech scrambling is needed to ensure secure communication in military, intelligence, and other sensitive contexts.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica CFD MODELLING OF SUBSONIC AND SONIC METHANE GAS RELEASE AND DISPERSION IN AN INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENT 2023-03-27T15:02:11+02:00 Levente Tugyi Zoltán Siménfalvi Gábor L. Szepesi Csaba Kecskés Zoltán Kerekes Tamás Sári <p>In the event of a flammable liquid, gas or vapour release the first step is to identify the type of outflow, which can fall into two categories sonic or subsonic. The two types of outflows carry different flow characteristics, which effect on the extent of the potentially explosive areas. In case of subsonic outflow, a short jet is formed without turbulent flow conditions at low velocity, which appears more concentrated around the source of release. With sonic outflow, a high velocity jet is formed with turbulent flow properties, which can extend further away from the source of release. The simulations examine the lower explosion limit (LEL) of the flammable medium around the vessel where LEL20% or LEL40%. In addition, high temperature methane gas release was also presented.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica DEVELOPMENT OF THE DESIGN OF ACCUMULATORY BATTERY OF THE PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR PANEL 2023-04-20T14:54:27+02:00 Nadiia Spodyniuk Orest Voznyak Viktor Kaplun Ievgen ANTYPOV Viktor TROKHANIAK Olena SAVCHENKO Iryna SUKHOLOVA <p>The efficiency of using photovoltaic panels significantly depends on the climatic conditions and the power of the consumer. The evaluation of the efficiency of using the battery of the photovoltaic panel depending on the climatic conditions and the power of the consumer was carried out by the method of simulation modeling. A new type of storage battery allows to accumulate excess and compensate for the energy deficit due to the capacity of the batteries, and in case of their complete discharge - due to connection to other sources of electrical and thermal energy. The temperature field on the surface of the solar panel is constructed based on numerical simulation. The temperature ranges from +70.4 to +127.5℃. In the main area of the panel, the heat flow ranged from 3200 to 7000 W/m<sup>2</sup>.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica MULTI-TEMPORAL INSAR ANALYSIS OF GROUND DISPLACEMENT IN SOLOTVYNOINSTRUCTION 2023-02-13T13:42:32+01:00 Mária maria <p>The study area covers approximately 20 km<sup>2</sup> area over Solotvyno town. Recent studies showed a significant peak of the salt contamination in the Tisza River that exceeded ten times over the average level. The problem of the collapsing mine has not yet been solved. The document summarizes the works performed on the investigation of ground displacement using multi-temporal satellite radar interferometry technique in Solotvyno mine located in Tiachiv region. Multi-temporal inSAR aims to identify coherent radar targets exhibiting high phase stability over the entire observation period and derives point data with locations corresponding mainly to the pointwise, man-made features. The central area with no persitens targets might correspond to the significant physical changes of the surface exceeding motion detectable in one pixel induced by activities such as mining or digging, adding/removal of buildings or their parts.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica EFFICIENCY ENHANCING OF THE LOCAL CAPTURE HOOD DUE TO AIR BARRIERS 2023-03-12T16:46:39+01:00 Orest VOZNYAK Victor KAPLUN Nadiia SPODYNIUK Edyta DUDKIEWICZ Oleksandr DOVBUSH Iryna SUKHOLOVA Mariana Kasynets <p>This article is related to investigations of the capture hoods of the local exhaust ventilation. The purpose of the research was to increase the zone of action of local exhaust hoods and reduce the amount of air removed due to the fact that it is equipped with two barriers for air: ring and cylindrical; the empirical dependencies for air velocity fields determination near the suction zone; obtained graphs, chart and three-dimensional image visualizations of removed air jet velocity near capture hood with barriers for air are displayed; the efficiency determining factors are the dimensionless quantities i.e.: <em>a</em><em>/D</em> and <em>b/D</em>, which for reduction of production energy consumption due to the correction of the design of the capture hood, namely the installation of two barriers for air the maximal effect. When capture hood is equipped with two barriers for air should be 0.16 for each of them. The reduction of production energy consumption, material, and ventilation system maintenance costs due to the correction of the design of the capture hood are the main benefits of the new solution.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Keywords:</strong> Local ventilation, Capture hood, Ring barrier, Cylindrical barrier, Air jet.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica OPTIONS TO IMPROVE SIGNALIZED ROUNDABOUT CAPACITY: A CASE STUDY IN GYŐR, HUNGARY 2023-03-20T09:13:26+01:00 Bereket Basa Dániel Miletics <p>Determining the capacity of roundabouts is an important aspect of controlling traffic flow. On the national highway in Győr, Hungary, between 47° 40' 43.7988" N and 17° 39' 37.6632" E, one of the signalized roundabouts is analyzed using PTV Vissim simulation to determine how entry flow can be improved without altering the existing roundabout's geometric features. The result shows that with forecasted vehicles, the entry flow from all approaches has increased by 23% with original signal time and by 21% with new proposed signal time. About 2.17% of forecasted vehicles per hour is not counted during simulation and is considered as residue. In conclusion, that without changing the major geometric features of the given signalized roundabout it is possible to increase entry flow.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica Flexural Behaviour of Environment Friendly Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete Beams Cured Under Ambient Temperature Compared to RCC Beams 2023-03-14T09:00:12+01:00 Muthumani Krishnamurthy <p>An experimental study was carried out on environment friendly GPC beams and compared with RCC beams to evaluate the flexural behaviour of GPC beams and compared with RCC beams for the structural grade of M30 concrete. Four beams of size 100x150x1700 mm were cast as under reinforced sections to perform the beams under pure flexure and four prisms of size 100x100x500 mm to study the flexural strength. To ascertain the split tensile strength, two cylinders of size 150 φ x300 mm were cast and cubes of size150x150x150 mm were cast for compressive strength. The results show that the GPC beams exhibit similar flexural strength when compared to RCC beams. The split tensile strength and the stress- strain relationship were also found with satisfactory results. The deflection at the salient stages and the stiffness degradation at the corresponding stages were found to be similar and thus the GPC beams may find a good alternative to RCC in terms of flexural behavior.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica MODELING OF GROUNDWATER FLOW IN CENTRAL SUDAN HYDROGEOLOGIC SYSTEM GUIDED BY GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY 2023-03-23T15:20:04+01:00 Musaab Mohammed Kovács Balázs Norbert Szabó Péter Szűcs <p>The multi-aquifer system of the Nubian sandstone aquifer in Khartoum state, Sudan, was simulated using a three-dimensional steady-state groundwater flow model. The conceptual model of the study area was built based on the available geological and hydrogeological data with the aid of vertical electrical sounding techniques. It comprises two hydraulically connected aquifers under confined to semi-confined conditions with average hydraulic conductivities of 3.5 and 5 m/d for the upper and lower aquifer, respectively. The Processing MODFLOW numerical was used to calculate the hydraulic head and water balance under the existing boundary conditions. The observed and calculated hydraulic head was used to calibrate the model using trial and error. The model accurately simulated the hydraulic head in the Nubian aquifer with a determination coefficient of 0.88. The calibrated model indicated that the inflow rate is 37136 m<sup>3</sup>/d and the outflow is 37137 m<sup>3</sup>/d. Therefore, the study area constitutes a highly productive zone and is thus highly advised for groundwater developments.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica Evaluating Urban Street Performance Under The Influence of Side-Friction in Divided and Undivided Streets 2023-05-07T16:47:24+02:00 Hamid Al-Jameel Ali Mansour <p>Side friction (SF) refers to combined variables indicating the degree of interaction between the activities and the traffic stream. Though transport activities have a positive impact, they could impact negatively. The condition worsens when the transport demand and road-side activities increase, leading to capacity deterioration and inefficient traffic performance. This study has been focused on evaluating side friction (SF) impacts on urban street performance in terms of capacity and speed. Four links divided and undivided streets in Al-Najaf city, Iraq, were selected and the SF elements such as on-street parking, pedestrian activities, entry-exit maneuvers, and temporary parking vehicles are considered. The results show about a 44% reduction in speed at a high SF level, while at a very high SF level, the reduction was 47%. On the other hand, at the medium SF level, the reduction ranged from 28 to 23 %. Moreover, the capacity at a very high Sf level shows about 49% reduction, and about 32% at a high SF level, while at the medium SF level, the reduction ranged from 13 to 21 %. Finally, a speed-predicting model has been developed, considering the flow and SF as predictor variables for predicting the steam speed under the effects of side friction.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica SPATIAL NUMERICAL MODEL OF DECKS FOR FAÇADE SCAFFOLDING 2023-03-26T15:51:45+02:00 Pavla Ornstová <p>The modelling of partial façade scaffolding is in most cases complicated due to the significantly non-linear behavior of the subfloors. EN 12 810-2 [1] the procedure developed is used by Bamm [2]. This is based on simplified planar models, which are, however, difficult to use in some applications.</p> <p>&nbsp;This paper deals with the issue of spatial modelling of façade frame scaffolding, with the focus on developing a methodology for modelling subfloor components. A laboratory experiment on a standard SPRINT scaffold base assembly consisting of two spans is described. Load tests perpendicular to the façade and parallel to the façade were carried out, and additional measuring points were added to the measuring apparatus compared to the standard procedure. From the measured values, nonlinear stiffness for the numerical models was derived. Furthermore, planar models of the scaffold subfloors were created and validated against experiments. Finally, the paper proposes scaffold stiffnesses in the horizontal direction (perpendicular to the façade and parallel to the façade) that can be used in a full spatial member scaffold model.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica DESIGN OF THE STATION AT BAISHA RIVER PARK IN QINGDAO FROM THE STANDPOINT OF CULTURAL TOURISM INTEGRATION 2023-04-11T10:38:48+02:00 dekun he Shasha Liu <p>Tourism in the coastal park has become a special feature because of the development of the ecological restoration and upgrading project of the coastal park at the mouth of the Baisha River in Qingdao.&nbsp;This project is the design of the tourism service station in the coastal park, which not only meets the basic functional requirements of the park service station but also reconfigures the station space with the regional cultural characteristics of Qingdao. The design process is mainly conceived in five aspects: locality, landscape, identity, symbolization, and diversification. It integrates the cultural characteristics of Qingdao coastal tourism with the park landscape to create a tourist rest space with diversified experiences. The purpose of this paper is to explore the interface between the stations’ design and the various links of the cultural tourism industry chain. The project will be created as the "Window of Qingdao" in Baisha River Park, forming a growth point for upgrading the cultural tourism industry.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica Computational wind analysis of an open air-inflated membrane structure 2023-04-18T09:25:33+02:00 SHERLY POOL Krisztián Hincz <p>The current research aimed to obtain mean pressure distribution over an air-inflated membrane structure using Computational Wind Engineering (CWE) tools. The steady-state analysis applied the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with the &nbsp;Standard turbulence model. The CWE-based pressure coefficients were compared with former experimental results to validate the numerical solution. Significant errors were detected close to the critical flow separation points when comparing the CWE results with the wind tunnel tests. However, these errors are local, and the numerical methodology provides accurate results in those areas with minor turbulence motion influence. In general, the numerical solution provided good approximation of the pressure coefficient fields.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica Lateral-torsional buckling resistance of corrugated web girders 2023-02-16T10:51:35+01:00 Erzsébet Bärnkopf Bence Jáger Balázs Kövesdi <p>There is currently no accurate calculation method to determine the lateral-torsional buckling resistance (LTB) of corrugated web girders. Therefore, an experimental and numerical research program is carried out at the BME, Department of Structural Engineering. Laboratory tests are previously executed on large-scale test specimens. Based on the experimental results, an advanced finite element model is developed and validated to be used to determine the LTB resistance by using stochastic and deterministic methods. Within a numerical parametric study, the effect of flange size, corrugation geometry and boundary conditions are investigated. Based on the numerical results an improved design method is developed for the determination of the LTB resistance of trapezoidally corrugated web girders.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica Liquefaction Potential Evaluation for Loose Saturated and Mitigated Sandy Soil due to Earthquake Loading 2023-05-04T15:18:21+02:00 Tawfek Sheer Ali <p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size: 10.0pt;">The main cause of liquefaction of soil is an earthquake. The soil properties, excitation forces, Excess Pore Water Pressure (EPWP), and site conditions are the main parameters that affect soil behaviour during liquefaction event. Due to the increase in earthquake activity in Iraq and Middle East during the last two decades, the study and understanding of probable destructive action and the best method to mitigate this effect became more important. So, many improvements and mitigation methods can be used. In this paper, the use of permeation grout technique was adopted to improve the existing soil condition in urban area by using some available and recycled materials as one of the sustainable and economic targets. The tests were executed by using 1-g shaking table apparatus to simulate a sinusoidal motion (vibration) at specified different frequencies. The liquefaction phenomena were observed for loose saturated sand at 60 sec., 25 sec., and 10 sec for 0.5 Hz, 0.75 Hz, and 1 Hz, respectively. After mitigation process, the soil liquefaction did not occur until 100 sec., 60 sec., and 30 sec. Besides, the liquefaction potential decreased, and the factor of safety increased. The used mitigation materials were cement kiln dust (CKD) and Bentonite clay.</span></p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica Future changes in M-day minimum and maximum discharges in selected basins of Sovakia 2023-03-13T16:28:54+01:00 Zuzana Sabová <p>Evidence of the impact of global warming on hydrological regimes is increasing, and questions arise as to how hydrological characteristics will change in the future. Data from climate scenarios help in various analyses to better approximate changes in the future. This study evaluates future changes in M-day minimum and maximum discharges in selected river basins of Slovakia, which have been divided into four groups, i.e., western, central, northern, and eastern Slovakia. Four types of data were available for the analysis, i.e., observed mean daily discharges in the period 1981-2010, modelled mean daily discharges using the HBV model in the period 1981-2010, and simulated mean daily discharges according to the KNMI and MPI climate scenarios in the period 1981-2100. The Indicators of Hydrological Alteration program were used to estimate the M-day discharges.</p> <p>The results revealed an increase in the M-day minimum discharges in northern Slovakia. Eastern and Western Slovakia show a decrease in M-day minimum discharges and an increase in m-daily maximum discharges by 2100.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica FREQUENCY MITIGATION OF DEREGULATED POWER SYSTEM UTILISING C19-BOA TECHNIQUE FOR OPTIMIZING MPC BASED ROBUST CONTROLLER 2023-04-28T17:06:45+02:00 Samreen Tabassun Mir Mandeep Kaur Sandhu Anmol Goyal <p>This study presents the frequency mitigation of hybrid deregulated power system (DPS) assimilated with both conventional (Thermal) and non-conventional sources (Solar and Wind). The designed DPS is supplied with appropriate system non-linearities for practicality. For Such system, a resilient MPC-2DOFPID controller is designed and implemented. The performance of proposed controller is compared with already established controllers in literature for similar power systems. The meta-heuristic optimization approaches have been implemented for optimizing controller gains. The recently found C19-BOA is successfully applied for the same. The renewable energy sources such as solar and wind influence on system dynamics are also examined. Further, the energy storage device viz capacitive energy storage (CES) is also incorporated to check its influence. The DPM changes with market fluctuations, so the DPM is varied to check its impact. Lastly, sensitivity assessment is performed to analyse the strength of MPC-2DOFPID controller optimized gains achieved under nominal conditions for deviations in load demand and solar irradiance</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica Multimodal Biometric Recognition using Fused Handcrafted Features 2023-03-19T16:36:07+01:00 haider Mehraj Ajaz Hussain Mir Farkhanda Ana <p>Multimodal biometric systems have been widely implemented in a variety of real-world applications due to their ability to overcome several significant limitations associated with unimodal biometric systems, including noise sensitivity, population coverage, intra- class variability, non-universality, and spoofing vulnerability. This paper is focused on the combination of the face, ear and gait in a unified hybrid multimodal biometric identification system using different handcrafted features. Handcrafted approaches provide robust and discriminative features to solve the biometric problem and rely on key point detection and description. Speed Up Robust Feature is a powerful handcrafted feature extraction approach with numerous distinct advantages such as reproducibility, distinctness, resilience, scalability, and rotational invariance. Histogram of Oriented Gradients is another widely used feature descriptor that is powerful at describing and distinguishing objects and has the inheritable advantage of illumination invariance. In this research, the mentioned handcrafted approaches have been used to extract features from face, ear and gait. The extracted features are then optimized using Genetic Algorithm and fused. The classification is done using a Levenberg Marquardt Backpropagation Neural Network. The performance of the system is evaluated on two dataset combinations, representing constrained and unconstrained conditions, respectively. The constrained conditions are represented by the GeorgiaTech face dataset, AMI ear dataset, and CASIA B dataset. The unconstrained conditions are represented by the VidTIMIT face dataset, EarV1.0 ear dataset, and CASIA B dataset.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica DESIGNING REINFORCED HSC RECTANGULAR BEAMS USING OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES 2023-03-14T09:51:14+01:00 Hussein Kareem Sultan <p>The topic of this work is the structural design optimization of rectangular reinforced high strength concrete sections under ultimate design loads. Using a minimum cost design criterion and minimal design variables, an analytical approach to the issue is devised. A nonlinear mathematical programming format for the formulation of the problem is among the things that are demonstrated. To demonstrate how the formulation can be used in line with the ACI 318-08 code, several typical cases are given. The outcomes are compared to those obtained from existing design practice after that. The ideal solution demonstrates unequivocally that significant reductions in the anticipated absolute costs of the building materials to be employed are possible. And without making significant changes, this method may be expanded to address other portions.</p> 2024-02-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pollack Periodica