Journal of Adult Learning, Knowledge and Innovation Akadémiai Kiadó en-US Journal of Adult Learning, Knowledge and Innovation 2631-1348 <p><strong>Open Access Possibilities</strong><br> 1. Gold Open Access<br> 2. Open Access sponsored by EISZ (only for authors affiliated to EISZ member institutions)<br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">See further details &gt;&gt;&gt;</a></p> <p><strong>Please note that production of your manuscript can only commence IF your manuscript is accepted for publication, we have your signed license agreement, and the corresponding APC – if applicable – has been paid.</strong></p> <p>Therefore, please DOWNLOAD, FILL IN and SIGN one of the above mentioned statements and UPLOAD it in step 2 (<strong>2. Upload Submission</strong>) as a "<strong><em>Copyright Transfer Statement / Open Access Statement</em></strong>" file during the manuscript submission process.</p>